I love fall. I think like most people, by the time October rolls around I am so ready for fall. If you want a early fall fix go up to Pinetop in October (since we really don't feel fall until November). We were up there for a quick trip during Conference. Here are some fall pictures that get me in the mood for apple cider or hot chocolate! This is so Abbey and Mike's personalities... Abbey being goofy and Mike wanting to eat I love these faces!!
Sassy Abbey started Preschool! I can't believe it!! It has been a lot of fun. She was accepted into Amanecer Preschool in the Gilbert School district. What that means is she was accepted into the special education program for her speech. It is paid for by the state which is GREAT!! And she gets to go to Boulder Creek Elementary five days a week for three hours in the morning. (She will go to Kindergarten there so its nice to get acquainted with the school early) It is really reassuring that she will be receiving a little help with her speech anxiety, even seeing a speech therapist once a week! I just hope she doesn't progress too fast so she can continue going there for the full year! If she meets all her goals she will no longer qualify... which means we will have to pay for preschool!!
She is in love with school. She rides the bus to and from school everyday and can't get enough. Abbey has never not wanted to go to school. I love seeing her come off the bus and bring home her papers. She has already progressed with expressing herself through talking and is learning so much. Abbey has become quite the mature girl and cracks me up with the things and phrases she uses. ( some of my favorite... when everything was "amazing!", how things that happened to her yesterday or a year ago all happened "last week", and most recently how things make her "nervous!" like when mom starts tickling her!) I hear all about her classmates, Teacher Julie, and Miss Kim! Its so fun!!
Here are some pictures...
We went to meet Abbey's teacher a few days before school started. Abbey was very serious (as expected with her) and wouldn't crack a smile. But she loved the class room and soon found some cool things to play with.
We were asked to decorate a puzzle piece for her class wall. She had so much fun with this and was very involved. Everything had to be approved by her and she told me where to put things (with a few suggestions from me). She was especially proud of gluing on her jewels!
This was her official first day of school. She was nervous but ready to go. I was nervous about her riding the bus... so I followed it to her school to make sure she was all right. As you can see in the dark picture of her in the bus window, she was just fine! This was the first thing she did when she got home... ride her bike First of many papers to be brought home! She loves revealing what is in her bag from school.
Last but not least... first school picture. She brought these babies home today. I can't stop laughing at them. They are so her in front of other people!! Man I love this little girl!
Okay, so it isn't exactly "tomorrow!" But here is the biggest thing that has been happening since my last update back in June. We found out that I was pregnant the end of June. This came as a surprise since we weren't trying at all to get pregnant... and it wasn't due to carelessness on our part! It was meant to be, just a year earlier than we planned. It took a little to become truly happy and excited. The problem was I had just witnessed my sister have her third baby boy and I could remember the whole experience of giving birth all too well. I wasn't quite ready to have my body go through all that again. But what do you do?!? Accept and get excited! (This was taken the day we found out, after the tears were dried up!) It really gets me excited when I find out the gender of the baby (makes it more real). We found out this month that it will be another boy for the Merrill's. As everything with this pregnancy, that came as a surprise too. I thought it was going to be a girl. It felt like a girl pregnancy (I can smell everything like my pregnancy with Abbey). Abbey was so sure it was going to be a girl too. I kept warning her that it might be another brother. We have made peace with having another brother in the house and are getting really excited to have a little one around. I'm most excited that Mike will have a brother to be close with. They will be almost exactly two years apart. Mike's b-day is mid February and this little guy is due the 28th of February. ( I know these pictures are a little scary, that is if you can tell what everything is!) So for now we are just trying to get the perfect name for baby boy. Can't wait to meet him. I think he will be a lot of fun, he already is a very active little guy and strong!! (obviously had to be to get here in the first place!!) I have a feeling that I'm going to have my hands full. Oh dear, what am I going to do?!?