Thursday, July 22, 2010


To postpone doing something, especially as a regular practice

Yep, that would define me today. I have so much I could and should be doing before we (yet again) head up to Pinetop... but instead I took a morning nap (ruff night last night), went shopping for myself at the mall, and watched toons with the kids while looking at blogs. Not to mention that I will be leaving my messy house and take my unbathed children to my sisters so we can all play and further procrastinate the getting ready for our weekend trip till tonight.

Yep... I'm procrastinating big time today, oh well...

For no reason at all here are some funny pictures of Mike... just to further my procrastinating getting off the computer


Carrie Elder said...

Haha! Remind me not to sit in that chair.

Jill said...

ya...i hope you cleaned that one off. ha ha! i am laughing out loud. so cute!!


So cute. Love little boys bums...ok, that sounded weird! We had a great time with you guys this afternoon. Anytime you feel like procrastinating...come on over! I'm good at it too...