Monday, August 6, 2007

Poo in the Potty?

All last week Abbey was telling me when she had a dirty diaper by pointing to it and quietly saying "Poo." Then one day she told me before she actually went! The next time she did that I rushed her to the toilet and she went like a big girl on the toilet. Wow, I must have a genius child! Potty training is easy... not so fast Connie. Turns out after we went and bought a little seat to go over the toilet seat and a stool, she no longer has the patience to actually go. For a few days she wanted on the toilet just to sit and reach for the toilet paper and then try to flush. She would even tell me she had to go, but stage fright must be taking over. Now she doesn't even care to tell me she has gone in her diaper and will adamantly say "no" she didn't when I ask after I see her go! I think we made too big of a deal. In fact, the other day she ripped her diaper with poo in it off before I got her up from her nap! Thankfully it wasn't a nightmarish scene, she doesn't like to play with it and was quite embarrassed! I'm letting it go for now, maybe she will start telling me when she goes again?



Yeah Abbey! You can do it!

Carrie Elder said...

I feel honored because Abbey now tells me when she is poopy instead of you guys. She is so serious when she tells me too. I think I've changed maybe 4 diapers for Miss Abs since she was born...I'll keep it that way for now.

Terry Webb said...

Hey, finally got my username and password thanks to you Connie. I love your blog and have been reading it since you started it. love u guys. Dad, Terry

Heidi Joncas said...

Happy B-day you guys! How is Abbey doing with the potty?

Jill said...

Alright Connie, I know poo-poo in the potty is exciting, but I'm really not that excited to see that toilet on your blog every day. :) I know you are busy...I'm just teasing you! But I would like to hear about your vacation to California. You guys live around the corner, but we never see you! I hope things are going good!