Friday, September 14, 2007

A Happy Note

With a lot of hard work and determination to be the squeaky wheel, Tim has finally convinced his Sargent to allow him to have Sundays off!! He has been waiting for this opportunity and it came up when his Sargent switched the guys schedule to 4/10's (four days, working 10 hours). This allows the guys to have 3 days off rather than the 2 when working 5/8's. Were excited to have Tim home on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday even if he works 4pm to 2am! The one catch, Tim has to up his DUI stats. This shouldn't be a problem since he will be out till all hours of the night! I'm so proud of Tim... his sacrifice and hard work for our family blows me away! He deserves to finally get a full "day of rest."


Carrie Elder said...

Yay! You know, I think it's funny that the lesson last sunday in RS was keeping the Sabbath day holy... and you and other women said that sometimes there is nothing you can do about working on Sunday, and that it is a sacrifice. And now, Tim gets Sundays off less than a week after that lesson!!

Heidi Joncas said...

Yea! That will be so great for you guys!


I am so happy for you guys! I know it means a lot to you to get to go to church together. Yeah!


Now if only I could get my husband to have 2 days off during the week!

Peter and Brittany Merrill said...

Way to go Mothy, persistance always pays off especially when you are doing the right thing. Keep up the good work.

Jill said...

I always know it's Pete talking when he says Mothy. :) It was good to see you guys the other day. Good work on the roads out there!

David Merrill Family said...

ditto to everything everyone said.

DCAja said...