What Do You Think?
I had my monthly check up for baby #2 yesterday and was surprised to hear that I was already 17 weeks! Wow, I was telling people I was almost 4 months (16 weeks), oops! When I was pregnant with Abbey I was so aware of how far along I was. Second go round that crazy anxiety isn't so much around. It is funny how time slips by with out us noticing. (Maybe it has to do with taking care of a almost 2 year old) In fact, in two weeks I have my ultrasound to find out, among other things, if this baby is a boy or a girl. The most popular guess that people have had is that it will be another girl. Is that because I already have a girl? Maybe because Tim's brother has already had two girls? Or is the reason because they can't see my with boys? However, a few tend to think it will be a boy. So what do you think? It would be fun to take a poll and then in two weeks see who was right!
I am going to go with a girl. I think you and Tim will have a house full of little girls.... :)
I think it will be a girl. I have the same idea as Jill.
I just don't know! I thought at first it would be a girl, but now I kind of want it to be a boy so I can see what Connie would do with a crazy boy running around! I think it would be cool if it were a boy, but I'm leaning more towards a girl...yes, I think it will be a girl. :) Sorry Tim!
Girl...maybe Carrie should have asked the psychic.
It's a boy!
Tim can handle Pink, and our feeling is a girl, but we are rooting for a boy. We will just have to wait and see.
Connie that was Pete's opinion above! I am going to be optimistic and say it is a BOY! I know that is what you are kinda wanting. I myself am yearing for a day full of blue reiceiving blankets.
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