Next came the sugar drink that burns your throat! While waiting the hour to get the blood work done, I saw my doctor for the follow up of the ultrasound. She too mentioned that he is a big boy, as was the case the last ultrasound. Since he is continuing the trend of being in a high percentile, she decided that to be safe, I will go in for a level 2 ultrasound next Monday. It will be a little bit more extensive in the measuring, to make sure that everything is normal. She said that everything was probably normal, but they just want to be on the safe side and check. This all really didn't surprise me, considering how big Abigail was and still is. We were told when Abbey was born that she was a boarder line large baby. So they did extra testing on her blood sugar and everything came back normal. Abbey has always been on the upper side of the percentiles with her growth. I'm not too worried, I just hope I don't have a ten pound baby!!
It's a BOY!! (if you can tell?) Profile of Michael