Friday, June 22, 2007

BusyLittle Bees!

Wow its been over a week since my last post. Our little family has been busy! First it was Luke's birth, then Father's day, then straight to the Grahams to camp for 3 days and 2 nights. Once we got home, we said goodbye to Grandpa Webb (he is in Finland for 3 weeks) and I had Cub Scout Pack Meeting Wednesday night. Thursday we went swimming and today we picked Wyatt up and took him for the day. As a bonus we got to eat lunch with Pete and Britt, they were down here for a temple session! Whew!! I haven't even been able to download all my pictures on my camera. I am impressed with my Merrill family because they all have posted already about Father's day and the camping trip! I will eventually get caught up on my posts. One at a time I suppose.


David Merrill Family said...

Busy is good! Sounds like you have been with the best of people. Hey, I have more pictures to put up too. We had so much fun with Abbey on the Grahams.

Heidi Joncas said...

Just waiting for some cute pictures of Abbey this week...
sounds like you are busy. That means like is going good.